At the Free Bet Calculator we understand that not everybody has access to the ‘latest and greatest’ device with which to browse the Internet. So instead of simply discarding the old bet calculator every time there is a major new release, it will be added to the gallery of Old Bet Calculators, where it will remain until it is no longer used.
This page contains the version of the Free Bet Calculator that was originally released in 2010. It works best on devices with screens that are at least 988 pixels wide, and so isn’t ideal for small mobile devices. It is however, compatible with Internet Explorer 6 and above, and is therefore suitable for most people using computers that are still running old versions of Microsoft Windows, if they aren’t able to upgrade to a more modern browser.
This bet calculator can still calculate all of the most common bet types, such as Single, Double, Lucky 15 and Accumulator, but it won’t be developed any further, and so won’t benefit from the extra features that have already been added to the latest Free Bet Calculator, or that will be added in the future.
If you still wish to use the original Old Bet Calculator, it is now known as Old Bet Calculator (2007).